Nightstop on display on Aberdeen bus shelters after collaboration with North East Scotland College students and Clear Channel UK

10 Jun 2024
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Aberdeen Foyer is privileged to work with North East Scotland College (NESCol) visual communication students to create new adverts for the service to raise its profile and knowledge among young people who can benefit from it.

Nightstop as a service relies on generous community hosts to open their doors to young people looking for a safe place to stay for a few nights. Aberdeen Foyer’s Youth Housing Manager Claire Paterson is elated to see the bus shelters down Union Street, spreading the message of Nightstop:

“They look so good! We are so grateful to Clear Channel for providing us with this space and to everyone at NESCol, especially the students, who worked equally as hard researching Nightstop and presenting so many creative ideas. Providing young people with options for emergency accommodation, like Nightstop, is vital and we think this helps us raise awareness.”

Janice K Scott, Curriculum Manager for Art, Design, Textiles and Visual Communication was happy to collaborate with Aberdeen Foyer, strengthening their already great relationship in a different way – benefitting the learning of NESCol students:

"The client project with Aberdeen Foyer’s Nightstop was an excellent collaboration with HND Visual Communication students to allow them to work to a real brief and use their design skills to support a very worthwhile initiative."

Ian Thomson, Lecturer in Visual Communication, was happy to challenge his students with Nightstop as the client:

“It’s a privilege working with Aberdeen Foyer. Nightstop is a really important service and the students really rose to the challenge of creating and presenting promotional design work for a live client brief. Throughout the process the team at Foyer were great at supporting the students and giving feedback.”

The students’ proposed social media images will be used on Aberdeen Foyer’s social media to advertise Nightstop but one lucky group has their work displayed on bus shelters across Aberdeen. The winning group were nervous to present to a panel of Aberdeen Foyer and Foyer Graphics staff but were chuffed to hear their bus advert was chosen:

"Thank you to Foyer and Nightstop for giving us this opportunity to work alongside them. This has helped us as a group learn to collaborate with a real client whilst contributing to a good cause."

Aberdeen Foyer collaborated with Clear Channel at the start of 2024 on a campaign to recruit hosts for Nightstop but this time the focus is on letting young people know of the service.

Louise Stubbings, Partnerships and Creative Director at Clear Channel, said:

“By providing media space and working closely with these talented students, we’re not only supporting Aberdeen Foyer’s Nightstop service but also empowering the next generation of designers with real-world experience. It’s rewarding to see such impactful work that raises awareness and connects young people with vital services.”

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You can find the Nightstop adverts across bus shelter in Aberdeen until the 14th of June.