Cameron restarted his life with the support of Foyer Housing

Cameron moved from a busy household of seven to his own flat at Trinity court after his mental health took a toll on his relationships and was kicked out of his family home.

“Moving into the Foyer was a big relief, but I was scared at the same time, as I had never stayed on my own in any circumstance.“

Cameron has been involved with many programmes since being with Aberdeen Foyer, including Foyer Futures. Foyer Futures helped him realise his potential and start applying for jobs. After a lot of hard work and perseverance, he got a job.

He’s now keeping busy in his Apprenticeship with Global Energy. He’s only mere months into his four year Apprenticeship in Fabrication, Welding, Plating and Pipe Fitting.

After securing a job, he was ready to move into his very own home. He got a call from Aberdeen City Council about a one-bedroom flat in a new build. Cameron viewed the apartment with his Support Worker:

“I was shocked that it was going to be mine. I cannot wait to be settled in my new home.”

Cameron’s Support Worker has helped him budget to buy things for his flat, to apply for a community care grant and generally to help him get started in his new flat. Cameron’s relationship with Foyer doesn’t end with moving out either. He will receive Outreach Support to get him situated and comfortable in his new stage of life.

Cameron is grateful for his journey with The Foyer but says Housing gave him the restart in life he needed:

“It was rough at the beginning, but I managed to push through it with support, and achieve things that I thought I’d never ever achieve in my life, but due to the support and my determination I have, and made a really good start in life.”


The power of volunteering: Caitlin


Jack’s Story from Foyer Housing to studying full-time and working part-time