Engaging in Education
Foyer Futures
Opportunities for achieving potential
At Foyer Futures young people are given the chance to:
Build on your strengths and abilities
Increase your confidence and interest in learning
Develop your skills for learning, life and work
Improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Foyer Futures supports young people aged 14-24 years old. Working with a friendly and helpful Development Coaches, young people will be empowered to achieve their goals in education, training or employment. Whatever interests, hopes and dreams for the future they may have, Foyer Futures can help them get there.
We co-produce a bespoke flexible learning plan with each young person which includes a range of activities empowering them to:
decide what they are good at
build the future they hope for
decide how they are going to get there
decide what changes they want to make in their lives
learn in different ways
try new experiences
build on strengths and abilities
increase confidence and engagement in learning
develop skills for learning, life and work
meet other young people and develop social skills
The young people participating in Foyer Futures rediscover lost aspirations and develop new ones. We use practical engagement tools working one to one with young people, collaborating with families, schools and other organisations. Taking time to listen, we build relationships, encourage re-engagement, increase attendance and participation, reduce exclusions and maximise positive progressions.
We offer young people skills, resources and opportunities to take the next steps in their learning journey. As a result, they often return to formal education or improve their current attainment level, achieving more formal qualifications.
Foyer Futures staff are trained in, and operate under, the principles of GIRFEC. We have Child Protection Officers and operate in an inclusive and strengths-based manner. Our teams have relevant backgrounds in sport, health, coaching, youth justice, youth work, counselling and educational psychology.
Young people have helped to shape and develop Foyer Futures as a service, including the planning, organising and recruitment of staff. We have developed our asset-based model through working with, and listening closely to, the views of the young people we support.
How to make a referral:
Young people aged 12-24 – contact Ashley McCorquodale:
Tel: 07487 239 958
Email: ashley.mccorquodale@aberdeenfoyer.com
Young people aged 12-15 – limited capacity, please speak to your school about eligibility for Learner Pathway Plus.
Young people aged 16-24 – contact Beth Finnigan:
Tel: 07467 919 782
Email: beth.finnigan@aberdeenfoyer.com