There are many reasons why a young person might not have a safe place to call home.
Housing Team
Aberdeen Foyer provides housing support for young people aged 16-25 in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. This is in the form of supported accommodation in Aberdeen and outreach housing support in Aberdeenshire.
We believe that all young people need a safe home to call home and access to the support and resources to allow them to reach their potential and thrive.
We provide personalised support; acknowledge people’s strengths and talents and we follow the principles of ‘advantaged thinking’ which is our strength based approach. We listen and respond to the hopes and aspirations of young people as they make the universal transition from adolescence to adulthood.
On entering our service, we support young people to develop a personal action plan, taking into account their current circumstances and any challenges they are facing. Exploring their dreams and aspirations that can help shape their future. The Action Plan might include connecting with learning, training or getting into work, developing life skills and resilience, rebuilding relationships, improving mental health, and working to deepen self-confidence and self-belief. This is called the Foyer Deal, a something for something agreement which holds both the service and the young person both accountable for their success in achieving their goals and making positive progress in their life. This ‘deal’ empowers young people to take ownership of their future and to make lasting personal and positive change.
Referral Process
In Aberdeen, we have high quality self-contained furnished accommodation available to let to people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and require support. We also support young people before they move into supported accommodation and when they move on providing wraparound support throughout their homeless journey and beyond.
Referral to the Foyer's housing services in Aberdeen City is through Aberdeen City Council Housing Advice Service.
The homelessness helpline number is 0800 917 6379 (24 hours)
In Aberdeenshire, we provide an outreach housing support service to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness living in both temporary and permanent accommodation.
Referral to the Foyer’s housing service in Aberdeenshire is through Aberdeenshire Council’s Homelessness Service. Call them at 01467 530577 (out of hours 03456 081206).
Click for Duty of Candour Report Jan 2025
We are proud to have signed up to, and fully endorse, the principles and actions outlined in the Scottish Care Leavers' Covenant and will work with our corporate parenting partners to deliver the transformational change required to improve outcomes for all of our care leavers. The Scottish Care Leavers' Covenant is a bold and committed promise to young people who have experience of the care system: that they matter. www.scottishcareleaverscovenant.org